Become a teammate: daily routines.

Tweak daily rhythms to fit your little one's needs, personality, and limits.

You can be your DHH child’s teammate by considering the rhythms and patterns of your days. Come alongside to see the “big picture” of your child’s overall needs, personality, and limits. Self-regulation is much easier when we are rested, fed, supported amidst challenges, and in a calm environment.

While you certainly can’t control everything, making small adjustments to daily life can help your little one feel safe and secure. This sense of safety and security can make a huge difference in your DHH child’s ability to stay regulated.

  • Ask yourself questions about my daily routines:
    • Is it fairly predictable? Do I know what to expect throughout the day?
    • Am I eating regularly?  Sleeping enough? 
    • Is my routine balanced? Am I getting enough time to move, play, rest, be outside, and engage in sensory exploration activities?
    • Do I have periods of the day where I may be experiencing “listening fatigue” from my devices?
    • Have we laughed and had fun recently?
    • What activities and people do I love?
    • Are there certain experiences that leave me feeling exhausted?
    • Are there ongoing stressors or challenges in our family?
    • Have we connected recently, just the two of us?
  • Think of small adjustments you can make to my daily routine that will help life go more smoothly.
    • Communicate changes with me ahead of time.
    • Explain what is happening in the moment.
    • Give extra snacks and rest time when I am cranky.
    • When it comes to play and activities, think variety.
    • Allow for lots of movement, both indoors and out.
    • Know which routines are favorites…and which are not. Stagger accordingly!
    • Seek extra rest and support for yourself if you are experiencing ongoing high levels of stress. You matter, too!

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