We are a family-friendly resource designed to inform and support parents and caregivers of deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) infants and toddlers. These earliest years are a critical time in young DHH children’s lives. We are grateful you are here to learn and grow with us! Our goal is to meet you where you are and provide relevant resources to light your early relationship journey.
Our Vision Is Two-Fold:
To Inform
To provide easy-to-use information as you nurture your little one’s earliest relationships
To Support
To support you as you guide your child in developing healthy social-emotional abilities for lifelong connections.
These earliest years are a critical time in young DHH children’s lives. We are grateful you are here to learn and grow with us!

Our Beliefs
Deaf and hard of hearing infants and toddlers deserve the best possible start in life. They need:
- an environment with accessible, rich language input
- strong, healthy relationships with caregivers
- intentional sensitivity and flexibility to their unique developmental needs
Families of deaf and hard of hearing infants and toddlers deserve the best possible professional and community support as they navigate the earliest years. They need:
- unbiased, research-based information on how to create an environment in which their DHH child can flourish
- encouraging relationships with trusted, knowledgeable professionals
- community resources to guide them as they become optimal nurturers, teachers, and advocates

Our Intention
Each piece of information contained on this website is designed to serve as a “candle” to illuminate the earliest years of your lifelong journey with your deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) little one. A dark, untraveled road can feel daunting, and few of us would choose to walk down it. We prefer what is familiar, comfortable, and clear.
Even when the road is dark and uncertain, we can gather our courage and resources, and move forward in hope and joy.
Every DHH child is unique, as is every parent, caregiver, and family. The choices each family makes are very personal to their and their child’s strengths, needs, preferences, and abilities. No simple steps or easy solutions exist for your individualized journey with your child.
While no one can control the unexpected cracks, bumps, potholes, hills, cliffs, and wear-and-tear along the road, we can choose “candles” to light the path and ease our way.
No matter the road on which we find ourselves, we can choose to find light and warmth along the way. We hope this resource provides both for you, your family, and your deaf or hard of hearing child.
Challenges will come, and you will have the ability to face them with knowledge, strength, and love.
Having supportive people, accurate information, and sources of encouragement can make your road feel a bit safer, smoother, and more inviting. You have complete freedom to bring along what helps, and leave what doesn’t. Also, you are allowed to adapt the tools offered to meet your needs. Finally, it is expected that, along the way, you will take steps forward and backward, and change direction as needed.