Often, just being present with your little one is enough to create deep connection. You don’t need to fix or entertain. Just be. Try to limit distractions to your togetherness.
- Sometimes, all I need is to be snuggled, especially in hard moments. My tears of exhaustion, frustration, anger, disappointment, and restlessness need to fall. Give me comfort, engaging in self-care when necessary.
- When I become upset, I need you to be as calm and steady as possible.
- Try using “connective distractions” to help me focus on happier things: a favorite book or puzzle, a song, a lovey, a tickle, a snack, bubbles, “Peek-a-boo,” or a clapping or bouncing game in your lap may be just what I need to move from sad to glad.
- Please don’t give me a screen each time I fuss! I need to learn how to feel a whole range of feelings. I must learn to trust that I am loved even in hard moments.