Young deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) children need very intentional teaching about their feelings and the feelings of those around them. They can miss much of the “incidental learning” happening around them.
Think of yourself as your child’s sports coach: model and teach the basic rules of the game little by little, then gently support and correct her as she practices healthy ways to create positive, winning relationships.
- It is extremely important that you slow. life. down. in order to explain to me what is happening around me. Please don’t assume I am making sense of it all! Stand in my shoes and consider what information I may be missing.
- I probably did not hear what made my friend cry.
- I may have missed what made you laugh.
- I likely could not understand what you told my brother when he made the dog yelp.
- Why is that child smiling?
- I noticed a conflict, but now you are hugging. How did you get from yelling to hugging?
- I do my best learning about the needs, feelings, and expressions of others when you “coach” me through with lots of simple explanations–using signs, words, gestures, and exaggerated facial expressions–in real time.
- Often, I become confused and even frustrated if I do not understand others’ intentions. I may react in inappropriate ways as a result. Before you react to me, put yourself in my shoes. Fill in the missing pieces: give me language to tell me what you would want to know.