Look for opportunities to celebrate your little one’s growing empathy! Be specific, adding language to the positive behavior.
- When you see me being kind to someone–checking on a friend who has fallen down, frowning when I see my sister cry, giving a flower to someone to show them love–let me know you noticed. Show me with your face, body language, words, and signs that I have chosen wisely.
- Knowing I have made someone feel good makes ME feel good about myself! I’ll likely try those behaviors again.
- Celebrate with a loving touch, a word/sign, a shared smile, or a wink…
- my generosity (Sharing my Goldfish crackers is a BIG DEAL!)
- moments when I use signs or words to tell you how I am feeling
- times when I complete a challenging task that used to make me fall apart
- when I honor a limit or routine without protest
- my cooperative actions
- when you see me just being me (Because who else in this world is going to love me like you do just because I am me?!)